Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Human Anatomy

I have been looking at different types of Human Anatomy during the past week. I have been looking at how the human skeleton looks, and how muscle is formed and where it is located on the human body. The skeleton is made up of bones and is well stuctured to support the muscle on the human body and also, the organs, as well as this the human skeleton has quite a big cranium which supports and protects the brain, and the shape is overall round. It is also, quite tough and is quite hard to break through but is weak in the sense that it can be snapped. A human skeleton is compossed up of 207 bones when a human is born but decreases down to 206 when a human reaches adulthood. Joints between the bones allow for movement which ranges from a wide to small range, these joints also allow for cetain body parts to rotate around. This movement is allowed by the skeletal mucsles as they give the body the mass to be able to move around. The sex detirmined by a skeleton is quite hard to work out as the differences are quite subtle between the two sexes. Usually long bones within a human skeleton is larger within a human male rather than a human female, also the skull has a variety of morphological traits that show sexual dimorphism (this is when two sexes of the same species exhibit different characteristics other than the basics which are the difference in sexual organs).

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