An Ice age is a period of long time in which the Earth's temperature decreases greatly resulting in an expansion of the polar sheets and glaciers. The causes of an Ice age are not fully understood as it could be down to many things but not a major thing in particular, such as the atmospheres compostion which links to the carbon dioxide and
methane, changes in the earth's orbit around the Sun , the motion of tectonic plates
resulting in changes in the location and amount of continental
and oceanic crust on the earth's surface, which can also affect wind and ocean currents, variations in solar output from the sun, the dynamics of the Earth and Moon system.
The Last Glacial Period, was the most recent glacial period that had

happened 110,000 to 12,000 years ago and ended 11,700 years ago. This Glacial Period had covered large parts of Europe, South America, North America and expanded Antartica's surface area as the polar sheets had builded up on it. A lot of the polar sheets or other ice forms were permanent and had changed a lot of the climates around the world though some areas of the world were not affected.
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